ThorpyFX on suhteliselt uus tegija butiikefektide turul. Asutatud 2014 aastal ja avaldades oma esimese toote 2015 aastal, bränd lubab toota erakordse selgusega helimasinaid elektrikitarri tarbeks.
Pärast karjääri Briti armees, Major Adrian Thorpe MBE sai julgustust oma abikaasa Georgia poolt, et järgida oma kirge efektide ehitamise vastu ja teha oma loomingud avalikuks teiste toonientusiastide jaoks. Algselt Thorpy ehitas pedaale iseenda jaoks, et lõõgastuda ja see lubas tal ehitada oma efekte paremaks kui need mis parasjagu turul saadaval olid. Need pedaalid sai ehitatud nii suure tähelepanelikkusega detailidele, et see muutus lausa kinnisideeliseks ning see kinnisidee detailide suhtes saigi ThorpyFX efektidisainimise alustalaks.
The WARTHOG started off being designed to be the distortion to beat all others; however it ended up being so much more. Through minute tailoring of the circuit, the WARTHOG delivers the biggest range of tones of any overdrive/distortion pedal on the market. With an ability to go from crystal clean boost through to distortion the WARTHOG has sonic...
The brief was simple, make a triangle era Fuzz that could beat their original 1971 Triangle fuzz pedals when placed head to head. This pedal has the ability to beat any four transistor fuzz you have heard (including the best vintage units). By adjusting the perfectly voiced EQ you can achieve fuzz tones from silky smooth through to doom laden whilst...
The GUNSHOT was designed to be the overdrive to beat all others. Sonically most overdrives can sound thin or lack a certain “something” when compared to a real valve amplifier. This is where the GUNSHOT comes in, at the heart of the pedal is a proprietary cascading "gain engine" tuned to deliver maximum tonality for as wide a range of amps as possible....
Bunker on MKII versioon Brown Source drive pedaalist. Bunker on väiksem, valjem ja tonaalselt paindlikum. Texture kontrollnupp mõjutab mis tüüpi drive heli vaja on sellest Brown Source stiilis drive-st ning lisaks on veel võimalus seda muuta tooni veelgi võimsamaks ja harmooniliselt rikkalikumaks. Jalalülitiga saab kasutada kahte erinevat heli ning...
Camoflange flanger disainiti koostöös Dan Coggins-iga (endine LOVETONE pedaalide valmistaja) teise modulatsioonipedaalina tema Lovetone pedaalifirma järgse tööna. Tegemist on analoog flanger pedaaliga mis loodi olema äärmiselt mitmekülgne flanger mis ületab kõik teised analoogefektid mitmekülgsuse poolest.
The PEACEKEEPER is a low gain overdrive designed to suit all guitars and all amps whilst delivering the sweetest on the edge to crunch tones you have ever heard.
The Fat General is ThorpyFX's first compressor! It can be used as a straight-up compressor (Juicy Mode) or switched to parallel (Blend mode) - this essentially means that the compressed signal is blended 50/50 with your dry signal, so you retain plenty of dynamic range while taming your guitar's attack and adding plenty of punchy goodness! This is...
THE DANE we all know and love just turned 5. Five years of great tone and five years of an awesome partnership with Danish Pete. But, it was time for a refresh. A crisp new look with a smaller, black anodised aluminium enclosure and a bonus new feature. The Dane still has the two sides for Drive and Boost, only it now has the option to switch the Boost...
The DEEP OGGIN was designed as a collaboration with DAN COGGINS (Former LOVETONE Pedal designer) as his first modulation pedal design since his Lovetone pedal days. This fully Analog Chorus/Vibrato was designed from the ground up to provide the most incredible 3 dimensional chorus sounds with a level of versatility to meet the needs of all guitarists....
Field Marshal on MKII versioon Big Cheese fuzz pedaalist. Väiksem, valjem ja tonaalselt palju paindlikuma heliga kui originaal ning istub ideaalselt modernsesse pedalboard-i. Tonaalne paindlikkus on võimalik tänu tonestack bypass lülitile mis lubab kasutada samaaegselt kahte erinevat fuzz heli samast pedaalist. Balance kontrollnupp on ühendatud tonestack...
ThorpyFX Heavy Water on kahene boost kus paremal pool asub kõvasti kiidusõnu kogunud The Dane pedaali boost sektsioon. Vasakpoolne kanal on pisut modifitseeritud ning on valjem ja agressiivsem tänu sees peituvatele Germaanium dioodidele. Mõlemad kanalid on kombineeritavad, et toon totaalselt hävituslikuks muuta. See V2 versioon on väiksem ning on toidetav...
ThorpyFX Pulse Doppler täis analoog Phaser on MKII versioon Doppleganger pedaalist. Sisuliselt võtab Pulse Doppler kokku kõik mis oli selle pedaali juures parim, ning muutis ta kompaktsemaks ja kergemini kasutatavaks. Tõenäoliselt üks kõige võimekamaid ja mitmekülgsemaid Phaser efekte turul.