JHS Pedals efektid on käsitsi valmistatud Kansas City, Missouri-s. JHS pedaale leiab paljude mängijate pedalboard-ides ning samuti tuntud muusikute pillivarustuses nagu näiteks Ryan Adams ja Andy Timmons kel mõlemal on omanimelised efektid.
Over the years the Morning Glory is undoubtedly JHS’ most known and praised overdrive pedal. It was created in 2009 out of a need for an overdrive pedal that simply took a guitar and amplifier’s tone to the next level without adding strong mid frequencies or any other characteristic that came along with the Tubescreamer style circuits on the market. Its...
In 1967 Mike Matthews started experimenting with circuits for the electric guitar, and soon had created a circuit that has become one of the most legendary, collected and mythical pedals in the history of guitar effects. The Muffuletta is JHS’ tribute to the legend and story of one of the greatest pedals ever invented. The heart of the Muffuletta is the...
The Bonsai is JHS tribute to one of the greatest pedals ever created the Tube Screamer. Following in the steps of their Muffuletta, the Bonsai utilizes a simple rotary knob to switch through nine classic, vintage, rare, or hard to find variations of the Screamer.
- Fuzz efektipedaal uuest JHS Pedals-i ''Legends Of Fuzz'' seeriast- Põhineb varajastel silikoon Fuzz Face efektidel mis loodud Arbiter Electronics-i poolt- Agressiivne ja legendaarne kõla koos mahlase vanakooli karakteriga- Vahetatav JHS režhiim high-gain-i jaoks - True bypass- Kontrollnupud helitugevuse ja Fuzz-i jaoks- Režhiimi lüliti- Bypass...
- Oktaav fuzz efektipedaal uuest JHS Pedals-i ''Legends Of Fuzz'' seeriast- Põhineb 1972 Shin-Ei Super-Fuzz efektil- Vali, karjuv, täidlane ja elav oktaav fuzz- Vahetatav JHS režhiim tugevama ülemise oktaavi efekti jaoks, paksema kesksageduse ja volüümi boost-i jaoks- True bypass- Toonilüliti võimaldab kesksageduslõike teha mis pehmendab kõla- Režhiimi...
Delay efektipedaal JHS Pedals 3 Series seeriast Intuitiivsed kontrollnupud pakuvad laia tonaalset valikut Delay aeg reguleeritav 80ms kuni 800ms-ini Heliulatus slapback tüübist kuni pikkade atmosfääriliste helideni Type lüliti lubab lülitada kahe erineva hääletüübi vahet (digital-voiced / analog voiced) True bypass Kontrollnupud Mix, Time ja Repeats Ei...
Overdrive efektipedaal JHS Pedals Series 3 seeriast Intuitiivsed kontrollnupud pakuvad laia tonaalset valikut Heliulatus algab kergest boost efektist kuni suursuguste võimendite keskmiste overdrive toonideni välja Gain lüliti lubab kahe erineva gain tüübi vahel valida True bypass Kontrollnupud Volume, Body, Drive Ei tööta patareiga
Reverb efektipedaal JHS Pedals 3 Series seeriast Intuitiivsed kontrollnupud pakuvad laia tonaalset valikut Heliulatus väiksest ruumi helist kuni lõputute atmosfääriliste ruumideni Pre-Delay lüliti tekitab lühikese viivituse originaalse heliallika ja selle ajani kuni reverb toimima hakkab True bypass Kontrollnupud Verb, EQ, Decay Pre-Delay lüliti Ei tööta...
Overdrive / distortion / fuzz efektipedaal Kombineerib 9 Proco RAT kõlarežiimi ühes pedaalis(OG V1, White Face V3, Turbo V5, BRAT V6, Dirty V7, LA, Landgraff MO'D, Caroline, JHS Mode) Unikaalne digitaalne lülitussüsteem juhib 261 komponendi teekonda läbi 40 individuaalse lüliti, et saavutada täielik analoogskeem kõikides režiimides Ülimalt täpne pedaalide...
JHS Hard Drive on kaasaegne distortion-pedaal, mis on loodud spetsiaalselt metal-muusika jaoks. See pakub võimsaid kõrge gainiga toone ja sobib ideaalselt raskete riffide mängimiseks.
The Angry Charlie has become a staple of the JHS line over the years. The V3 is a force to be reckoned with in the high gain pedal territory. It convincingly and accurately breathes JCM800 tones with ease. New to the V3 are the Bass, Mids, and Treble controls. To faithfully replicate a Marshall amplifier JHS felt it was time to incorporate a full...
JHS AT on Andy Timmons-i nimeline overdrive pedaal, mis annab Andy-le tema tuntud soolo- ja rütmitooni.
A good solid A/B box can be a guitarist's best friend. JHS make theirs from a Hammond 3.8 x 9.1 cm metal enclosure with high quality jacks and switch. JHS also includes a dual color (red/blue) LED to let you know by sight if you're using A or B. This is very practical in a live situation.
This is JHS’ "Everything low to medium gain" pedal. The Double Barrel is for the player who needs a versatile but transparent overdrive at medium and light gain levels. You won’t find face melting distortion here, but you will find overdrive with the character and stacking abilities to cover most any tonal need.
Many players over the last few years have expressed their interest in a unit that is like the Colour Box but more streamlined for the one basic application of a dirt box. No XLR function, no 3 band EQ… Just the dirt in an easy to use format for guitarists… So JHS decided to pull the Crayon out of the Colour Box.
Need to split your signal? Don’t want to settle for a passive device that will kill your tone and cause signal loss? This is what you need! This little box of magic takes your input signal and splits it into two always-on outputs that are buffered so you don’t lose clarity or tone in any way. Plug your guitar in and use one output to send your clean...
If you’ve ever heard an original Marshall JTM45 then you know why it’s the voice of classic rock & roll. The classic JTM45’s are loaded with warm, rich character that makes a Stratocaster sing and a Les Paul scream. The JHS Charlie Brown is voiced to transform any good amp into a living, breathing replica of the tone that built an era. The Charlie...
The Emperor V2 is a vintage-correct effect that absolutely nails the hard-to-find sound of the Arion SCH-1...but its also a do-it-all modulation solution whether you want a subtle sheen, convincing rotary simulation, or seasick vibrato. It utilizes a Bucket Brigade 3207 chipset to deliver the warmth of 80s-style analog chorus pedals and JHS have added...
The JHS Kilt V2 still has the fantastic circuit of the version one, but with super low noise, improved slew rate for a smoother structure and a character that just feels better than the original Expandora.
If your amp has a “send/return” effects loop simply connect the input to your SEND and the output to your RETURN. You can use the LBAB to saturate your preamp section and get some cranked tube tone at bedroom levels!
By adding "Little Black Buffer" to your signal path, you’ll restore all the high-end detail, output level, and tonal character that involved pedal chains and long cable runs steal away. And because the Little Black Buffer is an on-all-the-time sort of thing, you can save precious real estate by mounting it on the underside of your pedalboard.
The Milkman is a collaborative idea between Josh Scott of JHS Pedals and Tim Marcus of Milkman Sound. The concept is simple; a single pedal that offers up an echo/slap delay and a boost that can be used as an always-on enhancer or as an overdrive for small wattage amplifiers. The right side of the pedal is the boost side - a discreet amplifier based...
Are you looking for an overdrive that is not transparent and adds its own character and attitude? The Moonshine is for you - highly unique and massively tweaked version of the most famous overdrive ever created and housed in a little green enclosure. Blues, rock, country (and western), jazz, and even hardcore/metal players will find this is an...
Simple, solid and very useful. Have you ever needed a simple mute switch with no frills? Just hit the footswitch and anything plugged into the input is made 100% silent.