Antud tootja tooted: Tech 21

Tech 21 põhitoode, SansAmp-i tutvustati maailmale 1989 aastal. Kuigi teised brändid on samuti tootnud multi-efekte, SansAmp oli unikaalne sellepärast, et ta tuvustas võimendi modelleerimise põhimõtet. Mis tähendab kitarriheli muutmist, et emuleerida erinevaid võimendeid ja lubas salvestamist otse mikserkonsooli.

Kuvatud 1 - 9 kokku 9 tootest
  • 299,00 € Poes saadaval

    Much more than just a direct box, the SansAmp Bass Driver DI is capable of dialing up big vintage tube tones, bright modern slap sounds, gnarly distortions, and all in between. Three different outputs to drive power amps, recording desks, PA mixers, or simply enhance your current rig. Controls include Presence for definition and upper harmonic content;...

    299,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 299,00 € Poes Saadaval

    Mobiilsele professionaalile, VT Bass DI pakub mitmekülgseid toone kompaktses suuruses. See multifunktsionaalne formaat pakub kolme erinevat väljundit. Anna lisakarakterit oma olemasolevale kolale, salvesta otse, aja lõppvõimendid kärisema ja mängi otse PA süsteemi. Mahub seljakotti ning on valmis rokkima siis kui Sina seda vajad!

    299,00 €
    Poes Saadaval
  • 245,00 € Poes saadaval

    Frank Bello Signature SansAmp Street Driver 48 on lihtsate juhtnuppudega ja võimsa heliga pedaal, mis sobib nii algajale kui ka edasijõudnule, sõltumata stiilist. Aastakümneid Anthrax-i bassitoone - Sinu pedalboardil - nupuvajutuse kaugusel! Nagu uus, pakendi ja voolualaldiga!

    245,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 198,00 € Tarneaeg 1-3 nädalat

    Whether you’re a MIDI-meister or amongst the MIDI-mindless, the MIDI Mongoose is a super simple way to control your gear on stage, in the studio, and on DJ decks for sound and lighting, too. Tech 21’s intuitive engineering eliminates the intimidation of trying to decipher an encyclopedia-sized manual just so you can change a darn program.

    198,00 €
    Tarneaeg 1-3 nädalat
  • 289,00 € Tarneaeg 1-3 nädalat

    This floor version of our RPM rackmount provides the same detailed tone shaping possibilities for any signal source. It is particularly useful with acoustic, electric and bass guitars, and upright bass, either direct to a mixing console or with an instrument amplifier. The Para Driver DI gives your instrument a natural warmth and presence, as if miking it...

    289,00 €
    Tarneaeg 1-3 nädalat
  • 273,00 € Tarneaeg 1-3 nädalat

    “Architecturally” create your own rig in seconds. You can easily achieve the most sought-after tube amp sounds, and entirely new ones as well. Choose amplifier type, modification and speaker cabinet/mic placement configurations. You can easily mix and match specific sound characteristics in ways that would otherwise be physically improbable, probably...

    273,00 €
    Tarneaeg 1-3 nädalat
  • 319,00 € Tarneaeg 1-3 nädalat

    Always thinking of our fat-stringed brethren, we had to make a 3-channel, programmable, rig-in-a-box for bassists who can’t get enough of a great thing. Like the TRI-A.C. for guitar, you get three hot tones right at your toetips. The all-analog circuitry features the same controls as its single channel predecessor: Drive, Bass, Treble, Presence, Blend and...

    319,00 €
    Tarneaeg 1-3 nädalat
  • 160,00 € Tarneaeg 1-3 nädalat

    The MIDI Mouse is designed to take the frustration and confusion out of MIDI and offer an exceptionally user-friendly footcontroller. Easily access 128 patches on any of the 16 selectable MIDI channels by using the Up and Down footswitches to locate your program, with no banks to select. A third footswitch toggles between Search mode to locate programs...

    160,00 €
    Tarneaeg 1-3 nädalat
  • 435,00 € Tarneaeg 2-3 nädalat

    Juba üle 30 aasta on SansAmp Classic pedaali kasutatud pea igas muusikažanris, helistuudios ning erinevatel lavadel ümber maailma. Toode võeti tootmisest 2016 aastal, kuid on tagasi tootmises tänu suurele nõudlusele. 8 erinevat tonaalset karakterit, mis lubavad muuta harmoonilist sagedust ning dünaamikat. Sobib elektrikitarrile ja bassile.

    435,00 €
    Tarneaeg 2-3 nädalat
Kuvatud 1 - 9 kokku 9 tootest