



    Süntesaatori emulaatorid, kitarri ja bassi sündid, sündi pedaalid/efektid.

    Kuvatud 1 - 18 kokku 18 tootest
    • 149,00 € Poes saadaval

      DISSONANT FREQUENCY SMASHER Uses a 9VDC Center Negative Boss-Style power supply (not included)

      149,00 €
      Poes saadaval
    • 255,00 € Poes saadaval

      9 Mellotron tooniga heli: Orkester, Tšello, Keelpillid, Flööt, Klarnet, Saksofon, Puhkpillid, Madal koor ja kõrge koor. Töötab kitarridel ilma lisamodifikatsioonideta.

      255,00 €
      Poes saadaval
    • 249,00 € Poes saadaval

      Transforms the tone of your guitar or bass into that of a vintage synthesizer. 9 presets that were created to emulate many of the most popular synthesizer sounds ever. Works on guitar or bass without modifications, special pickups or MIDI implementation. Usable tracking range extends up to about the 23rd fret on the high-E string of a standard guitar and...

      249,00 €
      Poes saadaval
    • 263,00 € Poes saadaval

      Building on the synthesis platform of the award-winning Superego, our new Superego+ raises the bar when it comes to creating synth effects, sound layers, glissandos, infinite sustain and more. Plus, we’ve added a complete effects section featuring 11 effects types, an EXP input for effect parameter control and an EXT jack for a 3-button controller.

      263,00 €
      Poes saadaval
    • 349,00 € Poes saadaval

      A Maniacal Little Machine, inspired by vintage gaming consoles. An era when silicon defined sonics that were burned in our memory for years… Ottobit Jr. brings those sounds directly to your pedalboard.

      349,00 €
      Poes saadaval
    • 349,00 € Poes saadaval

      The Meris Enzo is a multi-voice synthesizer pedal capable of transforming standard guitar signals into otherworldly synth sounds from outer space. Dial in tight monosynth leads, complex chord polyphony or multi-note sequenced arpeggiation on any guitar—no special pickups needed. The Enzo also features MIDI and line inputs for re-synthesizing vocals, drum...

      349,00 €
      Poes saadaval
    • 155,00 € Poes saadaval

      The EHX Mono Synth transforms your guitar into eleven great sounding synthesizers… from vintage synth emulations to fat, stacked voices to soaring lead sounds and more.

      155,00 €
      Poes saadaval
    • 299,00 € Poes saadaval

      Source Audio C4 Synth pakub Eurorack-i süntesaatori heli kompaktses ja robustses efektipedaalis mis sobib kitarrile ja bassile. Neli lihtsat kontrollnuppu, valik kolme kitarri ja bassi efekti vahel koos mitmete salvestatud helide esilekutsumise meetodiga. C4 on äärmiselt lihtsasti kasutatav, tundlik ja piiritu helilise potentsiaaliga. 

      299,00 €
      Poes saadaval
    • 265,00 € Poes Saadaval

      Simulates nine string ensemble and string synthesizer sounds Tracks impeccably and works on guitar without mods, special pickups or MIDI implementation Independent Effect and Dry volume knobs let you precisely control your mix at the Effects output Controls 1 and 2 have been designed to adjust specific parameters for each of the nine programs Dry output...

      265,00 €
      Poes Saadaval
    • 289,00 € Tarneaeg 3-4 nädalat

      Bass Micro Synthesizer has the same feature set as the Micro Synthesizer, but includes a trigger and filter sweep range especially tailored for bass guitar. The same fat analog synth textures give your bass a whole new range of possibilities: from percussive stabs to backwards-sounding bowed sounds.

      289,00 €
      Tarneaeg 3-4 nädalat
    • 289,00 € Tarneaeg 3-4 nädalat

      Analog Guitar Synthesizer, From the classic vintage sounds of the great early Moog synthesizer to custom creations, the Microsynth creates fat analog synth sounds heard on classic recordings by some of the finest musicians in the world. Compact ten-slider layout lets the sonically adventurous guitarist dial in a virtually limitless array of analog...

      289,00 €
      Tarneaeg 3-4 nädalat
    • 249,00 € Tarneaeg 3-4 nädalat

      Polyphonic Synth Engine, reinvents sample and hold, performs fluid glissandos and creates oscillator like, synthesizer effects. It can stack sounds or create infinite sustain, it even lets you tweak attack and decay, or use its effects loop to invent novel synth patches. PSU included.

      249,00 €
      Tarneaeg 3-4 nädalat
    • 159,00 € Tarneaeg 3-4 nädalat

      EHX Bass Mono Synth muudab su bassi üheteistkümneks erinevaks süntesaatoriks, alatest vanakooli süntide emulatsioonidest kuni tänapäeva sügavalt pulseerivate helideni.

      159,00 €
      Tarneaeg 3-4 nädalat
    • 205,00 € Tarneaeg 2-3 nädalat

      The Synth-1 allows you to create fuzzed-out synth waves!  Use the Filter and Blend controls to mix your guitar with the fuzz from the synth. The Keeley Synth-1 is a guitar-triggered, single-note wave generator. You control the tone of the wave with the Filter Control.  The lead-in time or swell of the note is controlled with the Attack knob.  Then use the...

      205,00 €
      Tarneaeg 2-3 nädalat
    • 555,00 € Tarneaeg 2-3 nädalat

      The ZOIA is basically a modular synthesizer in pedal form. Instead of being a delay effect or tremolo, the ZOIA provides the modules necessary to build a delay or tremolo from the ground up. But since you're the one building it, you can make it do whatever you want. With the ZOIA you can build your own custom effects, synthesizers, midi controllers, and...

      555,00 €
      Tarneaeg 2-3 nädalat
    • 209,00 € Tarneaeg 2-4 nädalat

      Way Huge Atreides Analog Weirding Module pakub palju orgaanilisi süntesaatoritele sarnaseid helisid, genereerides kärisevaid madalaid oktaave, väljendusrikkaid hääle sarnaseid toone, phaser tüüpi lainetusi ning kriipivat fuzz toone.

      209,00 €
      Tarneaeg 2-4 nädalat
    • 279,00 € Tarneaeg 2-4 nädalat

      Ultrawave Multiband protsessor avab täiesti uue, ennekuulmatute helide universumi. Ultrawave-i sees on dünaamiline, multi-dimensiooniline lähenemine helisignaalile tuntud kui multiband processing. See protsess lahutab kitarri, bassi või süntesaatori helisignaali mitmeks erinevaks sageduseks ning lubab kõiki neid manipuleerida erinevate parameetritega.

      279,00 €
      Tarneaeg 2-4 nädalat
    • 279,00 € Tarneaeg 1-2 kuud

      Drone box with two banks of oscillators Six audio oscillators with frequency control and mute switches Two LFOs with rate and depth control Filter with frequency and resonance controls Thru input for bringing external signals in

      279,00 €
      Lisa ostukorvi Info
      Tarneaeg 1-2 kuud
    Kuvatud 1 - 18 kokku 18 tootest