Orange Music Electronic Company on Inglise võimenditootja, tuntud oma erilise heli ja erksa oranži Tolex-i suguse katte oma võimendite peade ja kõlarikabinettide peal.
Custom shop preamp pedal, controls: volume, frequency, Q, mid, gain, bottom & top, features: with fully parametric mid controls, regular and CabSim output, clean boost function & highly transparent buffered bypass. Made in UK
Custom Shop Clean Boost Pedal, 12dB boost, active 2-band EQ section (parametric), highly transparent bypass, internal voltage-doubler from 9V to 18V, controls: oil (boost), treble, treble-freq, bass, bass-freq, powered via 9V battery or optional power supply (not included), power consumption: 28mA
Custom shop ABY pedal to switch between two amplifiers, switching option between A/B and BOTH, two buffered outputs (one output with phase switch) and galvanic isolation by transformer, internal voltage-doubler from 9V to 18V, powered via 9V battery or optional power supply (not included)
The Kongpressor is an analogue Class A compression pedal which adds an organic three dimensional quality to any rig. The pedal takes its inspiration from some of the world’s most iconic vintage optical studio units, employing a re-issue of the famous vactrol VTL5C3 optocoupler that was responsible for the sound heard on countless hit records.
Loosely based on the vintage Foxx Tone Machine, the Orange Fur Coat Fuzz takes its inspiration from the great fuzz pedals of the 70’s.
The OMEC Teleport interface is a universal connection device (IOS, Android, Mac, PC) without any specific drivers or software requirements. It features high quality ADC/DAC converters – through a USB B connector – housed in a small effect pedal enclosure.The Teleport allows you to convert both analog audio signals (an instrument for example) to digital to...
Juba aastaid on Terror seeria võimendid tõestanud, et võimsad toonid võivad tulla väikesest pakendist. Terror Stamp võtab Micro Terror ja Micro Dark võimendite jõu ja pakib selle pedaali suurusesse formaati. See lamp/transistor hübriid pakub 20W Orange-i tooni otse su pedalboard-i.Terror Stamp-i pisikene jalajälg, 8/16 Ohm-ine kõlariväljund, täieliku...