Antud tootja tooted: Fairfield Circuitry

Fairfield Circuitry pakub unikaalseid ja originaalseid efektide disaine mis peavad ajahambale ja kasutusele vastu. Loodud armastuse ja vihaga Hull-i linnas, Québec, Kanadas. 

Kuvatud 1 - 9 kokku 9 tootest
  • 399,00 € Poes saadaval

    Imparting a dark and tape-like quality to your sound, this analogue delay offers a rich and distinct character for you to wallow in luxury, self-righteousness and filth. A random delay time modulation adds a true tape feel to the delay, like a reel-to-reel motor spinning not quite perfectly.

    399,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 369,00 € Poes saadaval

    Ring modulation at its finest, in a considerably small package, powered by your typical 9V power supply, all analogue, hand stamped, pure sine wave oscillator, low-pass filtered with a touch of class and apparently musical. These are the requirements of warp speed space Travel.

    369,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 250,00 € Poes saadaval

    Featuring all analogue, JFET feedback compression, The Accountant works well with all signal sources like guitars, bass, vocals, synths, even whole mixes. A simple control interface allows you to change the threshold, compression ratio and makeup gain.

    250,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 249,00 € Poes saadaval

    Less is more with this simple, original design. Handmade from JFETs matched to specs, this versatile pedal will treat your pickups with the respect they deserve. In return, they will thank you with some of them sweet tones.

    249,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 369,00 € Poes saadaval

    K-field (Simulation mathematics), an undefined, two-dimensional, non-linear field where past and future forces interact at irregular intervals. Shallow Water generates this k-field by randomly modulating a short time delay to create unexpected shifts in pitch. The result is this non cyclical vibrato/chorus/flanger-type thing favouring old tape flavours.

    369,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 199,00 € Tarneaeg 2-4 nädalat

    The same circuit as barbershop pedal, but in a tiny box, no bypass switch, no light. You can select between two tone options via a jumper inside the pedal. 1) flat and wide, like the original Barbershop, like the middle tone position of the Millenium Edition 2) Light, high frequency cut, like the right tone position of the Millenium Edition. Always on,...

    199,00 €
    Tarneaeg 2-4 nädalat
  • 248,00 € Tarneaeg 2-4 nädalat

    Reminisce about the time you got your shoulder caught in the reciprocating saw while this unit destroys your slick jazz lines. The fruit of an oddball circuit, hanging there awkwardly by some parasitic effect. Tweaked, bended and shoe-horned to optimize its stench, its unpleasance. Time has come to turn all dynamics to shit. Strangely, it feels very natural.

    248,00 €
    Tarneaeg 2-4 nädalat
  • 369,00 € Tarneaeg 2-4 nädalat

    Inspired by Roger Grant's idea to mimic loss of fm radio signal through the use of a simplified fm modulator/demodulator scheme. As a young child, I would hide under the table when Roger came around. Later, when I first started in electronics, he gave me a bunch of parts, tools and bench equipment. Controls interfere with demodulation accuracy resulting...

    369,00 €
    Tarneaeg 2-4 nädalat
  • 253,00 € Tarneaeg 2-4 nädalat

    Four Knob Fuzz. The ~900 is a ferocious fuzz pedal featuring two cascading JFET gain stages. Tracing its lineage back to our discontinued Four Eyes Fuzz, it offers a very wide range of gain, adds delicious harmonics and, if given the opportunity, will slap the ice cream cone right out of your hand.

    253,00 €
    Tarneaeg 2-4 nädalat
Kuvatud 1 - 9 kokku 9 tootest