Antud tootja tooted: MXR

MXR, also known as MXR Innovations, was a Rochester, New York-based manufacturer of effects pedals, co-founded in 1972 by Keith Barr and Terry Sherwood. The MXR trademark is now owned by Jim Dunlop, which continues to produce the original effects units along with new additions to the line.

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Kuvatud 1 - 24 kokku 60 tootest
  • 141,00 € Poes saadaval

    Chorus pedal, All-analog bucket-brigade circuitry. Create classically lush, liquid textures. Ultimate tone control.

    141,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 159,00 € Poes saadaval

    See pedaal pakub suurt karmide toonitekstuuride valikut mis annavad ilmekust su toonile, kuid samal ajal säilitades tema iseloomu alustala - see kõik väikeses MXR miniatuureses kestas. 

    159,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 209,00 € Poes saadaval

    MXR-i uus M305 tremolo ühendab endas legendaarse seeria tagasituleku ja erinevate tremoloefektide kombinatsiooni ühes efektipedaalis mis rahuldab tänapäeva kitarristide vajadused. 6 erinevat ikoonilist tremolo tüüpi mis pakuvad klassikalisi, tuntuid toone, kuid lisatud on ka modernsemaid, uuemaid efekte.

    209,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 259,00 € Poes saadaval

    Green Day 13-nenda stuudioalbumi väljalaskmise tähistamiseks, on MXR loonud spetsiaalse, piiratud koguses saadaval oleva Dookie Drive pedaali! Selles pedaalis on peidus legendaarne kärin, mis sümboliseerib Green Day legendaarset kitarritooni ja pisut enamatki.

    259,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 119,00 € Poes saadaval

    Rich, warm analog tone. Add shimmery velocity and dramatic swooshing to your tone. The timeless phase shifter used on many classic Van Halen recordings.

    119,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 119,00 € Poes saadaval

    One of the most popular compressors of all time. This box will produce that percussive, clicky sound on a clean guitar that youve heard on so many pop hits. It also adds smooth sustain

    119,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 189,00 € Poes saadaval

    10 band Equalizer pedal, solid metal enclosure, volume and gain controls. Frequencies: 31Hz, 62.5Hz, 125Hz, 250Hz, 500Hz, 1kHz, 2kHz, 4kHz, 8kHz and 16kHz. 1x input and output, incl. 18V power supply

    189,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 141,00 € Poes saadaval

    Micro Flanger Effects Pedal, 100% analog flanger with rate control and true bypass. Powered via 9V battery or optional power supply

    141,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 179,00 € Poes saadaval

    Octave FX pedal with true bypass, constant headroom technology and midrange boost. Made in USA

    179,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 215,00 € Poes saadaval

    Bass Distortion and DI Box, Both Clean and Distortion channels. Run direct to the PA or straight to the mixing board. Smart noise gate and optimized EQ.

    215,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 239,00 € Poes saadaval

    Bass Chorus, Analog bucket-brigade technology, Separate Bass and Treble controls, Flanger and X-Over for added tonal flexibility

    239,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 259,00 € Poes saadaval

    CHT Constant Headroom Technology for clear, clean performance, True bypass, Sounds great on guitar.

    259,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 169,00 € Poes saadaval

    Bass Overdrive pedal, Warm, harmonically rich overdrive, Clean signal blend control, True bypass

    169,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 273,00 € Poes saadaval

    Six meticulously crafted reverbs in one pedal. Dry path pure analog. Relay true bypass and delay trails modes

    273,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 129,00 € Poes saadaval

    The Phase 95 combines the Phase 45 and Phase 90 circuits-toggled by the 45/90 switch-in a mini housing, featuring a Script switch to toggle between modern and vintage style phasing.

    129,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 139,00 € Poes saadaval

    The Dyna Comp Mini Compressor combines classic tone and modern convenience in a housing that's nearly half the size of the original, featuring an all-new Attack switch to toggle between slow and fast attack times. Thanks to its rare CA3080 metal can integrated circuit (IC), this pedal yields quieter operation, greater transparency, and increased dynamic...

    139,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 259,00 € Poes saadaval

    The Carbon Copy Deluxe Analog Delay features extended delay time with tap tempo functionality, optional modulation, a switch to toggle between the warm sound of the original pedal and vibrant sound of the Bright version, and much more.

    259,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 195,00 € Poes saadaval

    This pedal delivers the iconic Dyna Comp Compressor sound in bass-friendly form thanks to a Clean control for maintaining low end integrity and a Tone control to adjust your upper midrange to retain playing dynamics.

    195,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 199,00 € Poes saadaval

    The Carbon Copy Mini Analog Delay packs organic analog warmth, shimmery modulation, and ease of use into an MXR mini housing with a Bright switch for additional sonic versatility so that you can make the most out of your pedalboard real estate.

    199,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 181,00 € Poes Saadaval

    The MXR Deep Phase Pedal delivers uniquely expressive vintage phaser tones with the impeccable build quality and tweakabiity that MXR is famous for. NB!! This pedal cannot be powered by a battery!

    181,00 €
    Poes Saadaval
  • 219,00 € Poes saadaval

    MXR ja iseseisev pedaalide tootja Analog Man esitlevad oma koostöö tulemit -MXR Duke of Tone Overdrive. Mängijatele, kes soovivad soojust ja krõbedat kärinat lastes oma pilli loomulikul toonil särada.

    219,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 189,00 € Poes saadaval

    MXR and Third Man Hardware have teamed up to create the perfect booster for gigging guitar players—this pedal combines two separate MXR Micro Amp circuits into a single box so that you can heat up two separate signal chains with just the right amount of classic Micro Amp bump.  This pedal is powered by one 9-volt battery (remove bottom plate to install),...

    189,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 281,00 € Poes saadaval

    MXR Joshua Ambient Echo - Sinu pilet tooni pühapaikadesse. Hoolikalt valitud helid ja tekstuurid, äärmiselt kohandatav delay ning paljud muud funktsioonid aitavad Sul luua rännakuväärseid helimaastikke 60-, 70- ja 80datest!

    281,00 €
    Poes saadaval
  • 129,00 € Poes saadaval

    A custom circuit, this pedal is based on a classic OD famous for its grit and crunch—but we balanced out the midrange and bumped up the gain for a sweeter, more natural sound even when cranked. This pedal can be powered by a Dunlop ECB003 9-volt adapter, or the DC Brick™, Iso-Brick™, and Mini Iso-Brick™ power supplies (not included).

    129,00 €
    Poes saadaval
Kuvatud 1 - 24 kokku 60 tootest