Seymour Duncan SJB-3N Quarter Pound Jazz Bass Neck Vaata suuremalt

Seymour Duncan SJB-3B Quarter Pound Jazz Bass Bridge


Seymour Duncan

Uus toode

Võimas silla helipea 1/4" diameeter Alnico 5 magnetitega, et pakkuda maksimaalset karakterit mida üldse tarvis ühest Jazz Bass pillist.

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Poes saadaval

119,00 €


Helipea tüüpPassiivne

Rohkem infot

This pickup has it all: hot output, great attack and massive attitude. The 1/4” diameter poles and hot coil winding delivers a full, even response with great sustain and complexity for a powerful tone suited to any genre. This pickup is a drop-in bridge position replacement for any American Standard Jazz Bass (Mexican Standard Jazz Basses use two neck-sized pickups).

Hand-built in Santa Barbara, CA, the Quarter Pound for Jazz Bass uses Alnico 5 rod magnets and Forbon flatwork, and is wax potted for squeal free operation. Comes with black cover.